We offer a broad band of other Dichroic coatings please review the other services we have listed below.


Beam-Splitter (BS) is a term used to describe various coatings which divide a beam of light into separate beams. Dichroic filters, covered in our Color Filter section, are often called beam-splitters. However, in this section, we will be speaking specifically about beam-splitters that divide light at each wavelength of interest into the two separate beams with an incident angle around 45 degrees from normal.

Dielectric coatings, however, have the advantage of being non-absorbing and so allow for greater throughput of energy. For example, a dielectric coating can be used for a 50/50 beam-splitter coating. Inconel, on the other hand, can yield approximately 30% transmission and 30% reflection due to the absorption inherent in the metal film. Standard dielectric beam-splitter coatings include 30/70, 50/50, and 70/30. However, we would welcome any custom requirements you may have. Please feel free to contact us with your specifications.

Partially transmitting metals make very useful beam-splitter coatings. Two common metals used for this purpose are Inconel and chrome. Metal beamsplitters are often very broad and can cover a much wider spectrum of wavelengths than their dielectric counterparts.


45-degree Plate Beamsplitter 30%R, 70%T
This coating transmits 70% and reflects 30% (+/-10 %) from 450-650 nm at 45 degrees angle of incidence.


45 degree Plate Beamsplitter 50%R, 50%T
This coating is designed to transmit 50% and reflect 50% (+/-10%) from 425-650 nm at 45 degrees angle of incidence. May be applied to a flat plate or to the diagonal surface of a cube made from two right-angle prisms cemented together.
45-degree Plate Beamsplitter 70%R, 30%T
This coating reflects 70% and transmits 30% (+/-10%) from 450-650 nm at 45 degrees angle of incidence.


AR coatings are often crucial components in optical systems with multiple lenses or other optics where the maximum possible light energy is needed. AR coatings help to produce brighter images. AR coatings also reduce the intensity of ghost images which are sometimes produced in optical systems by multiple reflecting surfaces.

We commonly deposit various standard and custom AR coatings. AR coatings are generally separated into two groups. The first group is made of AR coatings that target one or more broad wavelength bands. Our BARC coatings are examples of this group.

High Efficiency Coating
This high efficiency broadband anti-reflective coating reflects less than 0.5% average from 425- 675nm. Higher performance specifications are also available. Standard & custom coatings are available for refractive indexes 1.46-1.90

This coating provides a low level of reflectance across the wide spectrum from 400-1100nm, reflecting less than 1.0% average. The standard & custom coatings are available for refractive indexes 1.46 to 1.90


This Broadband Anti-Reflective Coating is particularly designed for the ultra-violet region. It provides a low level of reflectance less than 0.5% average from 275 to 425 nm. Standard & custom coatings are available for refractive indexes 1.46-1.90

BBAR Optimized for Telecommunications
This Broadband Anti-Reflective Coating is particularly designed for telecommunication applications. It provides a low level of reflectance to less than 0.25% average from 1450 to 1650 nm. Standard & custom coatings are available for refractive indexes 1.46-1.90

The second group of AR coatings is made of AR coatings that target one or more narrow wavelength bands. The most common coating in this group is termed a Vcoat. Vcoats are used to target a single wavelength, such as 632.8nm or 532nm, or a single very narrow band of wavelengths.

Narrow Band AR (nominally centered @ 1550 nm)
This narrow band AR is an excellent coating for targeting a single wavelength or very narrow band of wavelengths. The coating is commonly used to reduce reflections for 1550 nm or surrounding wavelength applications. Standard 0.25% and high performance 0.05% specifications are available

Narrow Band AR (nominally centered @ 632.8nm)
This narrow band AR is an excellent coating for targeting a single wavelength or very narrow band of wavelengths. The coating is commonly used to reduce reflections for 632.8 nm or surrounding wavelength applications. Standard 0.25% and high performance 0.05% specifications are available

We maintain an experienced engineering staff that works hand in hand with customers to develop coating solutions. Below are a few example coatings that were designed and developed in cooperation with our customers, taking into account their specific needs and specifications.

Custom color corrector:

This custom color corrector has been designed to maximize the Color Rendering Index (CRI) of the light output of an arc lamp. This filter was originally designed for use in a medical lighting application. Custom color correctors can be designed to take into account customer specifications including lamp and detector profiles.

45 Degree Non-Polarizing Metal Beamsplitter:

This coating has an average transmission 45% transmission and 45% reflectance from 475-625 nm for both "S" and "P" polarizations.

Custom SWP/BS:

This custom short wave pass/beamsplitter filter has an average transmission more than 95% from 500-750 nm and 0.5% to 2.5% from 820-840 nm. The beamsplitter region can be adjusted per specification.

55 Degree Plate Polarizer:

This coating provides greater than 97% transmission of "P" polarized light and greater than 97% reflectance of "S" polarized light at single specified wavelength. Generally the angle of incidence is specified between 45 and 65 degrees




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