@utomated Entertainment HD Dichroic / ZC&R Blacklite
HD-FF88 is the only coating in the world to pass the
2 hour ASTM-E119 test!!
Welcome to the Firefree 88 Website! This site is all about an exciting new fire protection product which applies like paint. This product is going to revolutionize the way buildings and structures are protected from fire. Please take your time and browse all the data contained in these pages. Be sure to visit our product comparison page. Also visit the testing pages (see left) for images and graphs of the product in action. We are sure you will be convinced that this product is going to shape the future of fire protection.
Product Characteristics
What is HD Firefree 88?
HD Firefree 88 is a UL certified, non-toxic, water based, high performance intumescent paint that is effective on either interior or exterior surfaces.
HD Firefree 88 Burn Characteristics
HD Firefree 88 withstands concentrated flame temperatures in excess of 2,000 degrees F for two hours and maintains its integrity without degradation. HD Firefree 88 has passed the ASTM8-2 Corner Test for all surfaces of wood and wood products.
The surface burning characteristics per UL 723 and CAN/ULC s102 develops a classification for flame spread index. The test results are established in comparison with combustible (red oak lumber) and non-combustible (inorganic reinforced cement board).
HD Firefree 88 Paints Can be Used to Achieve One and Two Hour Wall Systems
Initial tests have indicated that I-Joists protected with HD Firefree 88 not only lasted approximately four times as long as unprotected I-Joists but maintained their structural integrity in excess of a sawn lumber joist.
HD Firefree 88 limits flame spread and does not readily ignite or contribute to fuel load.
HD Firefree 88 Applications
HD Firefree 88 can be used to provide fire protection for scenic elements and structural systems such as:
Drywall and Plaster Coatings
Scenic and Theatrical Construction
Hotels and Resorts
Night Clubs, Casinos, Cruise Ships
Dark Rides
Location Based Entertainment Centers
Parade Floats
Haunted Houses
And all other construction or trades where fireproofing is required by law. In most cases, fire insurance rates can be drastically cut as a result in using HD Firefree 88.
HD Firefree 88 Specific Products Now Offered
In addition to stock white and neutral base, Automated Entertainment has developed and now offers HD Firefree 88 in the following fluorescent colors.
Color Monitors May Differ
HD100 - Fluorescent Pink
- Fluorescent Red
HD300 -
Fluorescent Bright Red
HD500 -Fluorescent Orange
HD700 - Fluorescent Yellow
HD800 - Green
HD900 - Fluorescent Blue
HD2100 - Fluorescent Magenta
HD5900 - Fluorescent Invisible Blue
Fluorescent Invisible Clear Yellow
Clear Blue
Neutral Base
All of our fluorescent HD Firefree 88 colors are inter-mixable
Other custom fluorescent colors are available upon request.
Coming in 1999!
@utomated Entertainment is pleased to announce the following products which will be available in the early part of 1999:
HD Firefree 88 Scenic Colors
Yellow Ochre
Chromium Oxide Green
Lemon Yellow
Emerald Green
Raw Sienna
Dark Green
Navy Blue
Golden Yellow
Cerulean Blue
Bright Red
Dark Red
Raw Umber
Video Green
Burnt Sienna
Video Blue
Clear Flat
Burnt Umber
HD Firefree 88 Pearlescent Colors
HD Firefree 88 Photo Luminescent Colors
HD Firefree 88 Coating for Foam
We will also be introducing our new Asbestos Encapsulating System - A multi step process utilizing HD Firefree 88 designed to encapsulate asbestos as an alternative to asbestos abatement.
HD Water Barrier Color Coatings for Water Attractions and Features
We at @utomated Entertainment are excited about our new HD Firefree 88 product line. As with all of our products, Automated Entertainment provides full client technical support for HD Firefree 88.
For more information or for a free video demonstrating HD Firefree 88 go to our contact page.
Approvals | I-Joist Test | Osb Test |
Hard Board Test | Door Test | Shingle Test |
T-111 Test | Lap Board Test | ASTM E-119 |
Product Comparison | Application & MSDS |