Contact Information
FF88 General Information & Application Manual
You have just become your customer's first line of defense. You can save lives and, potentially, thousands of dollars in property damage, just by spraying Firefree88
on your customer's interior or exterior walls.This book gives you all the technical and practical information you need to apply
Firefree88 correctly.Automated Entertainment and International Fire Resistance Systems Inc. requires that you be certified in the proper use of Firefree88. Certification is simple. First, read this manual. Then, practice with the product, either on-the-job with a designated supervisor or on-site at our plant.
Once you have mastered the technique, you will have your certificate. The entire process takes one day.
If you have any questions please go to our contact page for information or you can
e-mail questions to ff88@automatedhd.com
Thank you,
Jeffrey W. Hillinger
General Manager
Automated Entertainment
Table of Contents
Life Before Firefree88
The Search for Firefree88
Firefree88 Spreads Like Carzy!
Test Results
Preliminary I-Joist Tests
Test Results:
Underwriters Laboratories
Test Specifications:
Test Results:
University of California Forest Products Laboratory - ASTM E-119 Test
Test Specifications:
Test Results:
University of California Forest Products Laboratory - UBC 8-2 Test
Test Specifications:
Test Results:
Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial research 6
Test Specifications:
Test Results:
Burnin' Down the House
An Overstuffed Interior Room
A Second House
The Testing Continues
What Does It Mean to You?
Product Comparison Chart
What It Is and How It Works
Recommended Uses
Surface Preparation
Exterior Top Coat 13
Cure 24 Hours
Product Specifications
Care of Equipment
MSDS 17-19
Firefree88 was conceived by John Simontacchi, a contractor with 28 years of experience in construction. Ten of those years were spent consulting on lawsuits involving faulty firewalls found in condominium and apartment units.
Simontacchi knew that sprinklers, or even sheetrock that is up to code, are rare in these units. The majority of all condominium and apartment units have defective firewalls. The most common defects are:
The building code requires 5/8 inch 1 hr rated sheetrock. It should be able to withstand 1800°F for one hour. Builders often substitute ½ inch sheetrock, which can only withstand 1800°F for about 20 minutes.
sheetrock of the proper thickness that is not installed correctly. Obviously, improperly installed sheetrock is just as vulnerable as
Thin sheetrock.
Lack of 5-foot returns at each side of the attic ceilings at 2 hr rated wall assemblies.
Seven years ago, Simontacchi started looking for a reasonable, cost-effective solution to both expensive and careless firewall installation. Nothing in the market suited his vision. Retrofitting was too costly and too disruptive. Coatings, even "fire resistant" coatings, failed in minutes due to the lack of adhesion and other problems.
The answer, Simontacchi decided, lay in new space age technology and overcoming adhesion found in other "fire resistant coatings".
Simontacchi put a team of chemists and engineers to work putting his ideas into action.
In 1994, Simontacchi created International Fire Resistant Systems, Inc. to market the product, if and when he had one. Simontacchi took his mission so seriously that he funded all the research and development himself.
By September of 1997, a product was in place with excellent adhesion and the ability to reflect the fire away from the substrate. By October of 1997, the product was ready for launch!
International Fire Resistant Systems scheduled its first jobs in January of 1998. Along the way, the company acquired a new President¾ Steve Beck. Simontacchi remains as CEO.
Firefree88 Spreads Like Crazy!
In one short year, International Fire Resistant Systems's reach has spread far beyond the Bay Area, with distributorships in Southern California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Australia, the Philippines, China, and Japan! Why?
Benefits of the product
You can be in and out of your customer's site in one day. The paint cleans up with water and is non-toxic.
You can apply the paint indoors or out. You can even tint it.
Your customers can save up to 40% over old-fashioned retrofitting costs.
Properly applied, Firefree88 protects ½ inch Sheetrock for over an hour at 1800°F. It protects improperly constructed 2 hr walls for over two hours.
The paint is intumescent, and can seal a space up to 5/8 inch wide.
You can use Ff88 as a finish coat (best results on interior applications), as an undercoat (interior and exterior applications), even under wallpaper.
We are Underwriters Laboratory certified and U.L. Inspects every batch.
International Fire Resistant Systems, Inc. sells Firefree88 only to professional, licensed painting contractors to ensure proper application.
Firefree88 underwent three years of rigorous bench-scale and large-scale testing before coming to market. All tests were conducted using standards established by the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) to verify that Firefree88 meets all applicable safety and building codes to prevent the spread of fire.
This chapter describes those tests and their results.
Washington State University and the University of California's Forest Products Laboratory conducted preliminary tests on weight-loaded wooden I-joists to establish a testing protocol and criteria for large-scale tests.
I-joists treated with Firefree88 lasted almost four times as long as untreated I-joists. Not only that, they exceeded the structural integrity of a sawn lumber joist¾ after they were burned!
Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. conducted an ASTM E-84 test, also known as a Steiner Tunnel Test, on Firefree88.
This is the standard test used in the United States to classify burn characteristics, such as flame spread and smoke, for materials. In this case, Underwriters chose oriented strand board (OSB) and Douglas Fir flooring.
5/8 inch non-treated strand board and 1 x 4 inch Douglas Fir tongued and grooved flooring were used to construct 2x24 panels in testing Ff88.
three coats of Firefree88 were applied by roller at a rate of 125 sq. ft. per gallon (3.07 sq. meters per litre)
Each coat was allowed to dry before the next coat was applied, then the entire assembly was allowed to dry for 30 days at 70°F ±3° and relative humidity of 50% ± 5%.
Firefree88 passed with a Class A rating¾ the highest that Underwriters Laboratories awards¾ .
The flame-spread index was 10 for both the strand board and the Douglas Fir. The smoke development index was only 75 for the strand board and 90 for the Douglas Fir.
University of California Forest Products Laboratory - ASTM E-119 Test Door core tests
UC Berkeley's Forest Products Laboratory ran a series of full-scale (10 foot x 12 foot) ASTM E-119 wall tests on Firefree88.
The wall in each test was segmented into 12 panels. All except one were treated with a variation of Firfree88; one was left unprotected for comparison.
The variations in the Firefree88 coatings consisted of different coating thicknesses and the quantity and type of various additives. The test was thus limited to the performance of the poorest panel.
Both rated (20 minute) and non-rated particleboard door cores were used for the panels. The test stripped the veneer from the panels, leaving particleboard panels 1 3/8 inches thick.
Each panel was cut in two.
Thermal couples were inserted into each panel at depths of ¼ inch, ½ inch, 1 inch, and 1¼ inches from the face to be exposed to the fire.
The test team glued the panels back together and mounted them on a steel stud wall for testing. This method provided a way to graph the temperature, heat flow, and char rate over time.
Firefree88 passed the ASTM E-119 test, reducing the temperature at a depth of ½ inch by 80% at 30 minutes. Firefree88 also increased the time-to-char at least 400%, or to nearly one hour.
No comparison could be made at the one-hour mark, because the unprotected panel had burned away long before.
University of California Forest Products Laboratory - UBC 8-2 Test
The Uniform Building Code's UBC 42-2 test, or "Corner Test," evaluates wall coverings for flame spread, fuel contribution, and propensity for causing flashover.
The test simulates an 8x12 room with a ceiling height of 8 feet. Where the fire starts at the temperature wastebasket for 5 min. and spreads to the temperature have overstuffed sofa. Most walls and wall coverings burst into flashover within six to seven minutes.
No textiles were included in this test.
The test assemblies consisted of representative exterior construction materials ½" lap board siding, ¼"mahogeny panels, shingles, 1/2" oriented strand board (OSB), and t-111 fir siding. The test itself was designed to be a worst case scenario not usually encountered on the exterior of a building.
International Fire Resistant Systems constructed each test unit and applied the paint.
Three tests were run. The team mounted each test specimen on a two inch x four-inch wood frame mounted on the left and rear walls of the test chamber.
The vertical portion extended 24 inches along the left and rear walls of the test chamber.
The horizontal portion extended 24 inches from the ceiling of the chamber, 12 feet along the left sidewall, and eight feet across the rear wall.
The burner used to ignite the fire burned at 40 kW for five minutes, then at 150 kW for ten minutes.
The maximum instantaneous rate of heat release must not exceed 300 kW.
Firefree88 "dramatically reduced the rate-of-heat release as compared to the untreated OSB panels exposed to the same test."
The rate of heat release was less than 17% of the 300 kW net rate-of-heat release limit. No flashover occurred at any time.
Firefree88 prevented the combustible material from contributing measurably to the fuel load. Seconds after the test finished, and the gas turned off, the flames self-extinguished.
While the walls incurred limited charring, the underlying structure remained sound. In real life, the char could have simply been scraped off and the walls repainted.
Firefree88 has also been tested against the other leading intumescent paints on the market using this same test. No other coating presently on the market could pass this test and give the level of protection of Ff88.
Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial research
Singapore's equivalent of Underwriters Laboratories tested Firefree88 at the request of the Singapore Housing Development Board and International Fire Resistant Systems, Inc.
Singapore's Housing Development Board wanted to see if Firefree88 could serve as a cost effective alternative to replacing all existing wooden doors on every flat they administer. The Singapore Fire Safety Board had mandated this change-out.
A 40 ml. Application of Firefree88 was suggested to test for compliance with Singapore standard 332.1988.
This test must be conducted with positive pressure for in excess of 30 minutes. It is thus more severe than the ASTM E-119.
The doors to be tested were standard size and made of 3/8-inch plywood panels with solid wood rails and stiles. The panels were reinforced with a ¼ inch overlay.
Firefree88 not only protected the doors; it also sealed the standard gap between the door leaf and the frame. Hot gases, smoke, and flame did not escape around the edges of the doors, even under continuous positive pressure. Most fire-rated steel doors sold in Singapore cannot perform as well.
Thirty minutes into the test, the maximum mean temperature rise was 68.0ºC. The maximum temperature rise above the initial temperature was 72.9ºC. Both these measurements were taken on the unexposed faces of the doors.
Firefree88 passed Singapore's standard 332.1988 with flying colors.
University of California Forest Products Laboratory - ASTM E-119 One-Hour Test
UC Berkeleys Forest Products Laboratory ran a series of full-scale (10 foot X12 foot) ASTM E-119 wall tests on Firefree88.
The wall design was proposed to simulate conditions in an existing building complex and was designed so, when the intumescent paint coating is applied at the appropriate thickness, a one-hour fire rating for the common wall between occupancy units in the building could be obtained.
Test Specification
10x12-foot wall assembled with ½ unrated Sheetrock and wall defects.
Wall subject to 1700ø F for 1 hour.
Fire may not breached the wall
Backface of wall no more than 325ø F.
Test Results
No flame penetration.
Back side temperature was under 200ø F
Firefree88 passed and became the only coating in the world to pass a one-hour test on unrated sheetrock.
University of California Forest Products Laboratory - ASTM E-119 2 Hour Test
UC Berkeleys Forest Products Laboratory ran a series of full-scale (10 foot X12 foot) ASTM E-119 wall tests on Firefree88.
The wall design was proposed to simulate conditions in an existing building complex and was designed that, when the intumescent paint coating is applied at the appropriate thickness, a two-hour fire rating for the common wall between occupancy units in the building could be obtained.
Test Specification
10 foot x12 foot wall assembled with defective construction on improper 2 layered 5/8" type X sheetrock.
9 different defects from no insulation to improper nails.
Fire cannot breach the wall.
Back face of wall no more than 325ø F.
After one hour of testing 35psi of water shot against wall with no effect to wall.
Test Results
No flame penetration.
Pass temperature test.
Pass hose stream.
Firefree88 passed all components of the test and is now the only coating in the world to pass a two-hour wall test.
Omega point laboratories BSS 7239-88 Test method for toix gass generation by materials and combustion
Test Specifications
Paint is burned in two states
Painted on substrate
Smoke is measured for harmful chemicals
Test Results
Firefree88 passed the test with all harmful chemicals being under 10% of allowable levels.
Omega Point Laboratories
Client: International Fire Resistant Systems, Inc.
Client No.: 15810
Project No.: 103929
Date: 10/19/98
Specimen I.D. Ff88
(Concentrations in PPM unless otherwise noted)
No. |
HF |
NOx |
SO2 |
CO |
1 Flaming | n.d. | 1 | n.d | 8 | n.d. | 45 |
2 Flaming | n.d. | 2 | n.d. | 7 | n.d. | 45 |
Average | N/A | 1.5 | N/A | 7.5 | NA | 45 |
n.d. = "none detected"
International Fire Resistant Systems painted the walls and ceiling of a room in an abandoned Washougal, Washington house with Firefree88, in cooperation with the local firefighters.
The firefighters piled the painted room with curtains, blankets, overstuffed furniture, and mattresses, torched the room, and stood back to watch the show.
The fire quickly spread through the textiles and stuffing, but the outside walls remained cool to the touch. The inner temperature shot up to 1600° F within 10 minutes, the fire started to go out on its own. The fire was doused and upon inspection the treated walls were charred, but sound. The structure behind the sheetrock walls was untouched. The rest of the house was not damaged.
This time, the team wanted to simulate a brush fire. The exterior was sided with T-111 plywood and ½" Masonite siding. One half of each type of sided wall area was coated with Ff88. Once again, they torched the house and stood back.
The fire quickly spread over the house at the untreated areas and again the temperature hovered around 1800° F. when the fire went out, only two walls were left undamaged. The ones protected by Firefree88! And the interiors of those walls remained sound.
**Note talk about ceiling tiles in walls and (ceiling) and mahogany paneling.
International Fire Resistant Systems, Inc. is currently testing Firefree88 with different materials for different uses, including decorative foam and plastics of various kinds for use in casinos, theaters, etc.
Cruise lines, aircraft manufacturers, prefab construction companies, and the military have all expressed great interest in this virtually indestructible product.
Even insurance companies have noticed, and may soon offer discounts to customers who coat their buildings with Firefree88.
Firefree88 is the only game in town. Turn the page to see how the competition compares. You will soon see that there really is no competition.
Product | ASTM E-84 Underwriters Laboratories |
ASTM E-84 Fiberglass Acoustic Panels Southwest Research Labs |
E-119 ½" Steel Plate Test Warnock Hersey |
UBC 8-2 UC Berkeley |
ASTM E-119 Door Cores |
SS 332 E-119 ½-Hour Positive Door Pressure Test |
ASTM E-119 One-Hour Wall Test UC Berkeley | ASTM E-119 Two-Hour Wall Test UC Berkeley | I-Joist Tests UC Berkeley Washington State University |
Adhesion Tests UC Berkeley |
Benjamin Moore Iron Clad | Passed | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt |
PPG Pittsburgh Paint Speed Hide | Passed | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt |
Glidden Paint Flame Control | Passed | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt |
Merelo Paint Flame Control | Passed | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt |
Sherwin Williams Flame Control | Passed | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt |
Dunn Edwards Flame Mort | Passed | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt |
Fire Tech | Passed | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt |
Nullifire Fireshield | Passed | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt |
Albi | Passed | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt |
American Vamag | Passed | Failed | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt | Will not attempt |
Firefree88 | Passed with Class "A" fire rating! | Passed! | Passed! | Passed! | Passed! | Passed! | Passed! | Passed! | Passed! | Passed! |
Firefree88 is a water-based, non-toxic, high-performance, intumescent coating that provides up to a two-hour fire rating. Properly coated materials will not provide fuel to a fire.
The key to Firefree88's success is the quality of its raw materials. It is a completely synthetic product that contains specially milled refractory ceramic fiber (RCF). The paint's superb adhesion and space age ingredients will provide a barrier to protect structures during a fire.
When fire strikes, Firefree88 reflects heat away from the structure, forming a protective blanket. Its intumescent effect causes the paint to rise and swell. It seals a gap up to 5/8 inch wide so tightly that toxic gases, heat, and flames cannot escape into neighboring rooms or structures.
And when the fire is out, you are left with a coating that, in the words of one firefighter, resembles "black cake frosting." Scrape the "frosting" off, and you usually find no damage at all to the underlying structure.
Withstands concentrated flame temperatures exceeding 2000°F for two hours without degrading
Matte finish
Can be used as primer or finish coat
Can be tinted to fit most needs
Compatible with either latex- or oil-based paints to achieve the desired color, texture, or finish
Can be applied to existing painted or wallpapered surfaces
Can be used under wallpaper
Can be applied to interior or exterior surfaces
One-hour and two-hour wall and ceiling systems
As a light weight, low cost alternative to additional sheetrock for fire ratings
As an alternative to sprinklers in retrofit
In warehouses, schools, elderly care facilities, public housing, new construction, hospitals, libraries, aviation, etc.
Surfaces must be clean, cured, firm, dry, and free of dust, oil, grease, or wax. Remove chalky or loose paint, rust, mildew, or any other contaminates that may adversely affect Firefree88's performance.
Exterior Top Coat
We recommend a good quality latex topcoat for external applications. Three proven manufacturers are Early American, Sherwin Williams, and Kelley Moore.
Firefree88 dries to a slick finish so wait 24 hours before applying the topcoat.
Coating Type | water-based latex |
Color | white |
Packaging | 5 gallon, 55 gallon, 250 gallon containers |
Gloss Factor | flat |
Flash Point | none |
Thinner | Do not thin. |
Shelf Life | Over one year |
Density (avg) | 10.8 lbs/gal. |
Viscosity | 112-115 KV |
Voc | 33 grams/litre |
Volume Solid | 50.1% |
Theoretical Spread Rate | 125 ft/gal at 10 mils dry |
Recommended Film Thickness | 14 mils wet; obtain 10 mils dry |
pH | Greater than 8 |
Application | Airless sprayer, brush, roller |
Drying Time | 60-90 minutes/coat (For faster drying time, use air circulation fans.) |
Application Temperature | 55°F or higher before spraying |
Graco 500HD pump, or larger, at 3000 psi
3/8 inch spray line, minimum 50 feet long
Graco 237-476 texture gun
Graco RAC HD tips
521 or 525 tip for smooth wall, doors, and trim
527 for drywall, exterior stucco, or plywood
529 for production work
Whenever possible, use a dedicated spray line for Firefree88. Doing so avoids contamination, both to the Firefree and keeps fibers from damaging the finish of and to other products. Clean the pump well between uses.
We recommend that you remove the diffuser plate from the tip to avoid clogging. However, check your local ordinances first..
The fibers in Firefree88 make the product quite abrasive. Your tips will last about 40 hours. Needle packing lasts three to four weeks between rebuilds. Displacement pump packing will last about six months between rebuilds (part #307806).
The 55°F temperature is important. Firefree88 runs when too cold. If the temperature drops below 55°, start with a light "fog" coat to form an adhesive base. Then make your second and third coats successively thicker.
Air circulation is also important. Firefree88 usually dries in about two hours at 14-15 mils wet. In humid weather, it may take four to six hours to dry. Make sure the paint is completely dry before applying the next coat.
Always use Graco RAC HD tips. Others wear out or clog too quickly. Remember, Firefree88 is thick and abrasive, because of its fibers.
Mask, caulk, and prep as you would for other paint. Firefree88 goes over patching compound. You can also patch over it, if desired.
If the paint runs, let it tack then use a brush or roller to feather it out. If you need to sand Firefree88, use 100 grit.
Firefree88 cleans up with water.
Hints for applicators
Work includes complete preparation and finishing of all surfaces as indicated.
Surfaces not to be painted unless otherwise specified.
Aluminum, Copper, Brass, Stainless Steel, Nickel or Chrome.
Finish Hardware.
Electrical or mechanical fixtures and receptacles.
Exterior concrete pavements.
Quality Assurance
Work equipment and materials must conform to applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations. Current manufacturers material safety data sheets for all materials in use and/or stored at the project site must be on the site at all times.
Prepare sample wall areas as directed. These areas will represent the standard of work for the project when approved.
Delivery, Storage and Handling
All material shall be of the brand and quality specified and shall be delivered at the project site in clean, original, unopened, labeled containers bearing the manufacturers name, type of paint and instructions for mixing and/or reducing.
Store materials as designated. Storage area shall be kept neat and clean at all times. All damage to storage area and surrounding area shall be cleaned and repaired to new condition.
Rags, waste and combustible rubbish shall be stored in approved metal containers and removed daily from site. Take all necessary precautions to prevent fire.
Project Site Conditions
Measure moisture content of surfaces using an electronic moisture meter. Do not apply material unless moisture contents are below the following maximums:
Cement plaster-8 percent
Masonry, Concrete and Concrete Block-15 percent
Wood-12 percent
Ensure surface temperatures fall within recommendations of the material manufacturer.
Do not apply materials during fog, rain or mist, or when inclement weather is expected within the dry time specified by the manufacturer.
Sequencing and scheduling
All work shall be scheduled and coordinated with the Owner to minimize impact on occupants.
All materials shall be of the brand and type specified and shall be of fresh stock, unused, free of defects and imperfections.
Materials shall have good flowing and brushing characteristics and dry or cure free from streaks or sags.
Paint accessory materials such as putty, spackle, thinners, reducers and shellacs shall be of the highest quality and fully compatible with the specified materials.
Thoroughly examine surfaces scheduled to be painted prior to commencement of work. Report in writing to the Owner any condition that may potentially affect proper application and appearance. Do not commence until such defects have been corrected.
Protect unpainted surfaces, lawns, shrubbery and adjacent surfaces against paint drops or spills. Repair damage resulting from inadequate protection.
Furnish sufficient drop cloth, shield and protective equipment to prevent spray or splatter from fouling surfaces not being painted.
Remove electrical plates, surface hardware and related fittings prior to commencement of work. Carefully store, clean and replace these items on completion of work in each area. At firewall remove plugs, switches, light outlets, ? Rough in boxes prior to reinstallation of it.
Protect all surfaces, equipment and fixtures from damage resulting from use of fixed, movable and hanging scaffolding, planking and staging. Repair damage resulting from inadequate protection.
Automated Entertainment (800) 880-6567 or (818) 848-3782
Section I - Product Identification MSDS
Product: Firefree88
Product Class: Latex Intumescent Fire Retardant Paint
National Paint and Coatings Association, Hazardous Material Identification System:
Health Hazard |
Flammability Hazard |
Reactivity Hazard |
Personal Protection |
Section II - Physical Data
Boiling Range: | 212°F | Vapor Density: | Neutral |
Evaporation Rate: | Slower than ether | Percent Volatile: | 48-50% |
Density: | 10.85 lbs/ gallon | Water Solubility: | Very soluble except for RCF |
Section III - Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability Classification: | Not regulated | Flash Point: | 200°F |
Lower Explosive Limit: | n/a | Extinguishing Media: | n/a |
Hazards of Decomposition Products: | None | Special Fire Protection Procedures | None |
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazard: | Closed containers may explode due to steam pressure when exposed to extreme heat. |
Section IV - Reactivity Data
Stability: | Stable |
Hazardous Polymerization: | None |
Hazardous Decomposition Products: | May produce hazardous gases (carbon monoxide) if heated to very high temperatures |
Section V - Health Hazard Information
Summary of risks:
Exposure to excessive levels of cured paint may result in exposure to RCF. These fibers can cause eye and skin irritation. Dust from this product contains a respirable fiber and may also contain trace levels of crystalline silica. Wear a respirator when exposure limits are exceeded.
Medical conditions, which may be aggravated by, contact:
Dust from the product may aggravate existing chronic lung conditions such as, but not limited to, bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma.
Target organs:
Eyes, skin, and respiratory tract if dust exposures are high.
Primary entry route:
Inhalation, direct skin contact with dust during removal.
Acute effects:
Exposure to cured paint dust may be associated with transitory upper respiratory physical irritation. Irritation and inflammation of the eyes and skin may occur following direct contact or very high airborne dust levels.
Chronic effects:
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reviewed the carcinogenicity data on man-made mineral fiber, including RCF, in 1987. The IARC classified RCF as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). IARC's classification of RCF was based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animal studies in the absence of data on the carcinogenicity of RCF to humans.
Signs and symptoms of overexposure:
Eyes: irritation
Skin contact: irritation
Inhalation: upper respiratory tract irritation
First aid:
Eye contact: Flush eyes, including under the eyelids, with large amounts of water. It irritation persists, seek medical attention
Skin contact: Wash with mild soap and water.
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air.
Ingestion: Seek medical attention immediately.
Section VI - Spill, Leak, and Disposal Procedures
Spill/Leak Procedures:
Ventilate area. Soak liquid into an adsorbent and dispose of according to local, state, and federal regulations. If the paint cures and removal is attempted, dust may be released. Due to the presence of RCF, take precautions to protect against excessive exposure. Clean-up personnel should wear approved respiratory protection, gloves, and goggles to prevent irritation from contact and/or inhalation.
Waste Management Disposal:
This product does not exhibit any characteristics of a hazardous waste. Follow all local, state, and federal regulations for proper disposal.
Section VII - Special Information
Under normal application conditions, no special precautions or need for personal protective equipment are anticipated. Removal of large quantities of cured paint could result in exposure to RCF-containing dust. Limit exposure to this material to protect against irritation and inhalation. The use of personal protective equipment including goggles, gloves, respirators, long-sleeved clothing, and head covering may be recommended.
Respiratory Protection: It is recommended recommend that exposure to RCF not exceed one fiber per cubic centimeter of air for respirable airborne ceramic fiber as an eight-hour, time-weighted average exposure. Provide workers with NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirators in accordance with requirements of 29 CFR 1910.134 when airborne concentrations of respirable fibers exceed recommended limits.
The following are recommended respirator types for the varying respirable airborne concentrations of ceramic fiber that may be encountered.
Fiber Concentration |
Respirator Type |
< 1 fiber/cc | Optional disposable respirator |
1-5 fibers/cc | Half mask air-purifying respirator equipped with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter cartridge |
5-25 fibers/cc | Full-facepiece air-purifying respirator equipped with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter cartridges or powered air-purifying respirator equipped with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter cartridge |
>25 fibers/cc | Any supplied-air respirator operated in positive pressure mode |
Airborne fiber concentrations are determined by time-weighted air samples collected and analyzed using NIOSH method 7400 ("B" counting rules).
Pending results of long-term health effects studies, establish engineering controls (i.e. ventilation) and work practices (e.g. wet methods during paint removal) to control levels of airborne fibers to the lowest level attainable.
Safe handling procedures for working with refractory ceramic fiber products:
Provide engineering controls where feasible to reduce airborne fiber concentrations to the lowest attainable level.
Use BIOSH/MSHA approved respirators per the above exposure guidelines.
Wash exposed clothing to prevent it from becoming laden with dust. Use of disposable work clothing is preferred.
Wash exposed skin surfaces with mild soap and water after handling.
Refrain from smoking, eating, or drinking in refractory ceramic fiber work areas.
Minimize accumulation of debris by cleaning up dislodged or loose paint particles.
Refrain from dry sweeping and use of compressed air for cleaning loose or dislodged paint. Instead, use HEPA filtered vacuuming or wet washing methods.
SARA Title III information:
This product does not contain reportable quantities of substances listed under SARA Title III sections 302, 304, and 313.
DOT Class.
Not regulated.
Section VIII - Acronyms and Definitions Used in This MSDS
ACGIH | American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists |
CAS# | Chemical Abstract Service Number |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
f/cc | Fibers per cubic centimeter of air |
IARC | International Agency for Research on Cancer |
MSHA | Mine Safety and Health Administration |
NIOSH | National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
PEL | Permissible Exposure Limit |
RCF | Refractory Ceramic Fiber |
SARA | Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act |
TLV | Threshold Limit Value |
Reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of the information contained in this document. Automated Entertainment and International Fire Resistant Systems, Inc. intends no warranties, makes no representation and assumes no responsibility as to the accuracy or suitability of such information for application to purchaser's intended purposes or for consequences of its use.
HDFf88 Fire Resistant
Latex Semi-Flat
URL: http://www.automatedhd.com
For The Control Of Electromagnetic Energy