HD PD Liquid Pre-Dispersed Pigments are based on a unique
formaldehyde free pigment technology. This product offers a bright, sub-micron, high
strength, fluorescent pigment particle with good lightfastness properties. The HD PD
Liquid Pre-Dispersed Pigments are suspended in water and suitable for use in water based
inks and coatings.
HDPD 100 - Pink
HDPD 300 - Bright Red
HDPD 400 - Red Orange
HDPD 500 - Orange
HDPD 700 - Orange Yellow
HDPD 900 - Blue
HDPD 2100 - Magenta
HDPD 5900 - Invisible Blue
Product Form: Aqueous Fluorescent Pigment
Specific Gravity: 1.0 - 1.1
Particle Size Range: 0.25 - 0.45 microns
Percent Solids: 46 - 50%
pH: 7.5 - 8.5
Brookfield Viscosity: 100 - 300 cps. @ 250C, (RVT #1, 20 RPM)
Surface Area: 15 - 25 square meters/gram
HD PD Liquid Pre-Dispersed Pigments contain
approximately 25-46% fluorescent pigment dispersed in water and a small percentage of
alkali soluble acrylic resin. The HD PD Liquid Pre-Dispersed Pigments are V.O.C. (volatile
organic compounds) free. They are compatible with a wide range of aqueous systems. Such
systems may include the following:
Water Based Flexo Ink
Water Based Gravure Ink
Waterborne Coatings
Paper Coatings
Paint Base (Water Base)
Additives, co-solvents and binder selection can influence the performance of the HD PD
Liquid Pre-Dispersed Pigments. The effects of these raw materials should be tested in the
final application formula.
To our best knowledge, the information and recommendations contained herein are accurate and reliable. However, this information and our recommendations are furnished without warranty, representation, inducement, or license of any kind including but not limited to the implied warranties and fitness for a particular use or purpose. Customers are encouraged to conduct their own tests. @utomated Entertainment disclaims any liability incurred in connection with the use of the products and information contained herein. No person is authorized to make any statement or recommendation not contained herein, and any such statement or recommendation so made shall not bind @automated Entertainment. Furthermore, nothing contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product in conflict with existing patents covering any material or its use, and no license implied or in fact granted herein under the claims of any patents.